Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hearts and Bunnies

Valentine's Day has always been a special holiday for me because my mama went into labor to have me on Valentine's Day (but I didn't actually arrive until the day after). I grew up having redhot hearts and conversation heart candies at my birthday parties. It never bothered me that my birthday fell after a holiday (though I always wished I could have had a pool party like my friends with warm-weathered birthdays!). This year we had Ashley's family over for a Valentine Waffle Supper so I had fun adding some heart decor to our house. 

Ashley's mom made me this simple burlap wreath that is hanging about the woodstove in our living room. I cut out a few felt hearts and added them to the wreath (no glue or sewing needed!). 

Last year I saw this cute heart garland on Pinterest and decided to make it one afternoon. Very easy and festive across my dining room window! 

Remember my parents surprised me with a birthday visit on Friday and we spent part of the afternoon weaving on my porch. Papa made a wreath and Mama encouraged me to make my wreath into a bunny (she's an expert basketweaver and always says she may not have been the most creative person but she certainly encouraged and inspired my brother and I). 

Here's the bunny making a very early appearance beside our door (I'm usually against holidays crowding each other but I can't help sharing this!). 

One of my boys pulled one of the pansies and I added it as a nose. 

We got a skiff of snow last night. Not really enough to take a picture of but it was special all the same. Happy Sunday afternoon to you!

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