Thursday, January 2, 2014

Raised beds for part of the garden

Ashley is working on a new layout for our garden that will incorporate raised beds. He's using unfinished HardiPlank boards for the sides because they're made of concrete and should last for a while. 

The boys love helping their daddy. 

The hens are curious about what's happening in their neighborhood...

More progress...

I thought the older two boys were out helping in the garden but really, they had convinced Daddy to build them a place for the winter. They can't get enough of mud and puddles!

Our little guy is 17 months old now. He hasn't chosen to walk yet (working on getting the strength to do that) but he does a great job standing. I think the hens think so, too!

We all love our chickens. Although they slacked off a little on their egg laying a month ago, they've picked back up, laying 6-8 eggs a day. I sell some eggs to other moms at our preschool. In the spring, we may get more chickens because the demand for our eggs continues to grow. 

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